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Setzer's Friends
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My Award

Like people said im nothing without my friend, iam nothing without the loyal reader of my blog although not everything i write is ferfect. This is list of awards that given from my friends, check this out,, I really appreciate that everything you give to me so i put the award here to make the award more valuable and eyecatching for everyone who visited my blog,,hehe. From this award also made me more interesting and keep my spirit to writing something in my blog that i served to my readers:
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who is it for, pal?
selamat dapet award sob!
@john : nothing just write something that make me feel better
@secangkir teh: makasi sob,,thanks all
Selamat atas awardnya, aku dikasih juga dong??!
selamat ya atas award yang diterimanya...
wah makasi ya semuanya
wahhh aku juga mau dong dapat penghargaan :D
kunjungi blog ku yaaa :
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artikel menarik! buat kamu yang lagi cari les snbt segera kunjungi website kami untuk menemukan les privat terbaik untuk menghadapi ujian SNBT yang akan datang!