Born as Balinese this 4 young boy declared to make a band that named 4wd in 2003. This name was choosen from the number of personel indeed. Consisting of Raff on vocal and song writer with hairwax junkie style, Aguz on guitar, Made on bass and Denis on Drum. As a young boy that live in North Kuta one of the tourist destination in Bali and his passion to keep balinese culture live in Balinese youngster heart with their music. Bring Rock Alternative music genre which is easy listening to all age and combined with rock n roll style, this band is one of the my favorite Balinese band. Themes of song are about love and social living make this
band have a plus value to become a great band and have a lot of fans. Exist in Balinese music industry about 5 years ago start his peformance from stage to stage until finally show off in Bali TV make his more popular than before. As far as this band was formed had produced 3 albums. First album titled “No Money No Honey, the second titled “Satya Matilar” and the Third was titled “ What’s up Bro”. Maybe this band not popular and familiar to people outside Bali or non Balinese bacause their song 90 % in Balinese language and just few of them in Indonesian. So dont judge this band from his cover try to listen their Indonsesian music if you not welcome with Balinese Language.
Download 4WD songs now and feel the rock n roll music beat in your heart :
berkunjung sob...coba lyric 4wd band pake bhs indonesia...pasti keren..
wah memang keren sob,,,silahkan sob,,sedot sepuasnya aja,,hehe
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